Acoustic . . .

Acoustic . . . or Electric?

Kawai Upright

Kawai Upright

There are pros and cons to playing on an acoustic piano and pros and cons to playing on an electric instrument.  What is very important is access to an instrument that is in good working order.  So, acoustic or electric?

If you are looking to purchase a new acoustic piano it would be wise to talk with a qualified piano technician or two. Check that the piano you are considering to buy is made by a reputable piano company and not a shiny new six hundred pound head ache.  That goes double for buying a used piano.

There are three choice if you are looking to purchase an instrument:

  1. acoustic piano
  2. digital piano
  3. electric keyboard

Acoustic  Piano – Pros

  1. It’s a piano!!
  2. Has a true piano sound
  3. Ability to make nuances in playing
  4. Some acoustic pianos are digitized (modern day version of a player piano)

Keyboard/Digital Piano – Pros

  1. Lots instrument sounds to experiment with
  2. Very reasonably priced (Keyboard)
  3. Portable
  4. Keyboard is more child sized than a piano (but be sure the key size is regulation piano width)

Acoustic Piano – Cons

  1. Moving – they are heavy.
  2. If purchasing a good new instrument – an investment of money (some piano brands are better than others).
  3. No fun to play if the piano is in poor shape!
  4. Up keep – tuning, humidifying in the winter, dehumidifying in the summer.

Keyboard/Digital Piano – Cons

  1. Not a true piano sound
  2. Piano sound does not sustain (keyboard)
  3. Key touch is very sensitive (keyboard)
  4. Limited number of keys (keyboard)

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