Digital Piano or Electric Keyboard

Digital Piano or Keyboard?

Digital piano or an electric keyboard?  Since the digital piano is more expensive than a keyboard, but has many of the same features as an electric keyboard, why spend the money on a digital piano?  Perhaps the buyer wishes to have an instrument that looks similar to an acoustic piano without the upkeep of an acoustic piano.  Or perhaps the buyer is drawn to the features on the digital piano that are not found on a keyboard such as a record while you play/play back feature.  Or perhaps the player wishes for a sound closer to an acoustic piano without the cost.  Or the “feel” of the key being depressed.

A serious piano student may begin lessons with an electric keyboard, but after a year or so, the student will need to upgrade to either a digital piano or an acoustic piano.  The feel of an electric keyboard is much different from a digital piano. The touch or feel of the keys is what allows the player to make nuances in their playing.  An electric keyboard offers little to none in allowing the player to shade the notes, making the music more interesting to listen to.  In fact the electric keyboard makes it easy to play wrong notes.  The keys are so sensitive, that a slight brushing with a finger and voila – a wrong note.  A digital piano is much more forgiving to a slight brush of the keys since there is more resistance to push the key down.


Why buy a digital piano instead of an electric keyboard?

  1. 88 weighted keys.
  2. Includes a stand/cabinet.
  3. Should have an appropriate height bench.
  4. The digital piano will have a better sound quality than an electric keyboard.
  5. May not feel the need to “upgrade” to an acoustic piano.
  6. Include pedals.

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