
You may think as an adult, it is too late to learn to play the piano. Check out this article about adults learning a new skill, “Old Schooled: You Never Stop Learning Like A Child” and you will find that is not the case. (Or skim this PDF with highlighted sections. It is a lengthy article.)

Highlights and  Mary’s  tweaks on “Old Schooled: You Never Stop Learning Like a Child” (Or why adults give up piano lessons.)

It is a lengthy article so here are some highlights:

  • Adult may not have as much time to devote learning a new task as a child.  Therefore it will take longer to get results.
  • Adults are less confident in their abilities.  They tend to be tentative when they play.
  • Adults are acutely aware of how their playing sounds while a child just plays.
  • Adults over think and children just do.
  • Most adults are impatient. “If a ten year old can play the piano I ought to be able to do it too.” The difference is, the ten year old may have been at it for a couple of years and the adult for just ten days.

As the above article mentions, adults are very capable of learning new tasks (piano). I agree with several points made in the above article as to why it seems children learn faster than adults.

I like this saying from guitar teacher, Brian Turner’s web site,

Learning to play a musical instrument is like taking a very long trip.”  And. “To do a job well, the craftsman needs the correct tools.”

So, be patient and take the time to learn the necessary tools to do the job (know the notes on the music staff and rhythms) and a world of music will be at your finger tips (pun intend).

Is there a piece or a song you want to learn how to play on the piano?

Music publishers now have a wide variety of music for beginners to early intermediate players.  You will not have to endure playing nursery songs, in fact, you might not play any (unless you want to)!

Call, text or email now to schedule a lesson. 773-932-5779

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Call, text or email now to schedule a lesson. 773-932-5779